Unde doresti sa studiezi:

Oricare din tarile participante

  • Toate tarile
  • Australiaaustralia
  • Austriaaustria
  • Belgiabelgia
  • Canadacanada
  • Danemarcadanemarca
  • Elvetiaelvetia
  • Estoniaestonia
  • Finlandafinlanda
  • Frantafranta
  • Germaniagermania
  • Greciagrecia
  • Irlandairlanda
  • Italiaitalia
  • Japoniajaponia
  • Maltamalta
  • Marea Britaniemarea_britanie
  • Norvegianorvegia
  • Noua Zeelandanoua_zeelanda
  • Olandaolanda
  • Romaniaromania
  • Singaporesingapore
  • Spaniaspania
  • Statele Unitestatele_unite
  • Suediasuedia
  • Ungariaungaria
Ce tip de program doresti:

Orice program

  • Toate programele
  • Academic Courseacademic_course
  • APap
  • Bachelorbachelor
  • Bachelor Top Upbachelor_top_up
  • Mastermaster
  • PhDphd
Costul scolarizarii:

Orice cost

  • Toate costurile
  • sub 2000 euro2000
  • intre 2.000 si 5.000 euro5000
  • intre 5.000 - 10.000 euro10000
  • intre 10.000 - 15.000 euro15000
  • intre 15.000 - 20.000 euro20000
  • intre 20.000 - 25.000 euro25000
  • peste 25.000 euroover

Toate domeniile

  • Toate domeniile
  • Arts / Media Studiesarts___media_studies
  • Business / Economicsbusiness___economics
  • Engineeringengineering
  • Health Scienceshealth_sciences
  • Humanities / Social Scienceshumanities___social_sciences
  • Information Technologyinformation_technology
  • Natural Sciencesnatural_sciences
  • Tourismtourism

Toate specializarile

  • Toate specializarile
  • AccountingAccounting
  • AgricultureAgriculture
  • Animal SciencesAnimal Sciences
  • AnthropologyAnthropology
  • ArchitectureArchitecture
  • Automation I ControlAutomation I Control
  • AutomotiveAutomotive
  • BiologyBiology
  • BiomedicineBiomedicine
  • Business AdministrationBusiness Administration
  • Business ManagementBusiness Management
  • ChemistryChemistry
  • CommerceCommerce
  • Communication I PRCommunication I PR
  • Computer ScienceComputer Science
  • Construction I CivilConstruction I Civil
  • Criminology I ForensicCriminology I Forensic
  • CulinaryCulinary
  • CultureCulture
  • Data ManagementData Management
  • DentistryDentistry
  • DesignDesign
  • Development StudiesDevelopment Studies
  • EconomicsEconomics
  • Education StudiesEducation Studies
  • Electric I ElectronicsElectric I Electronics
  • Energy EngineeringEnergy Engineering
  • EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship
  • EnvironmentEnvironment
  • Events ManagementEvents Management
  • FashionFashion
  • Film I TheatreFilm I Theatre
  • FinanceFinance
  • GeographyGeography
  • HistoryHistory
  • Hotel ManagementHotel Management
  • Human ResourcesHuman Resources
  • Intercultural StudiesIntercultural Studies
  • InterdisciplinaryInterdisciplinary
  • International BusinessInternational Business
  • International StudiesInternational Studies
  • JournalismJournalism
  • LanguageLanguage
  • LawLaw
  • Leadership I StrategyLeadership I Strategy
  • Leisure ManagementLeisure Management
  • LiteratureLiterature
  • Logistics I TransportLogistics I Transport
  • ManagementManagement
  • MarketingMarketing
  • MathematicsMathematics
  • MechanicsMechanics
  • Media StudiesMedia Studies
  • MedialogyMedialogy
  • MedicineMedicine
  • Multimedia DesignMultimedia Design
  • MusicMusic
  • NursingNursing
  • NutritionNutrition
  • Other MedicineOther Medicine
  • PharmacyPharmacy
  • PhilosophyPhilosophy
  • PhysicsPhysics
  • PoliticsPolitics
  • PsychologyPsychology
  • Public AdministrationPublic Administration
  • Public HealthPublic Health
  • Religious StudiesReligious Studies
  • Social CareSocial Care
  • SociologySociology
  • Software EngineeringSoftware Engineering
  • SportsSports
  • TechnologyTechnology
  • TourismTourism
  • VeterinaryVeterinary
  • Visual ArtsVisual Arts
  • Web developmentWeb development

Stenden University of Applied Sciences

"Stenden is the place to be. My first impression about the school was the friendliness of the people and the feeling of home away from home. I was not able to come for an open day from Romania so the school just arranged someone a day at my convenience when I got a tour around the school and could have all my questions answered.

The students here get really personal attention. From the beginning till the end of the study you get a personal coach, a teacher who helps you with school related/personal problems. Apart from it, during the first semester of the school a host (a student who is already in the second year) will help you find your way in school and city. One week before the school starts a Study Start Week is organized where students can get used with the PBL lessons and the school itself but also just get to know the other students and have a nice time together while going to the city and doing other nice activities.

I personally thing the school program is not difficult if you have a bit of discipline and start in time with the assignments. The schedule is not really busy but it requires indeed self study at home. The nicest thing about school is that you get the opportunity to practice what you have learn in the four star hotel that belongs to the school. There you begin in the first year and get to know every hotel department and become a supervisor in the second year and a manager in the third year.

Leeuwarden itself is a small cozy city with a lot of students from all over the world. You have here nice places to go out and people over here are friendly. One advantage of Leeuwarden is that the room prices are cheaper than in other cities and it is easier to find a room.

I am almost finished with my third year and I enjoyed a lot studying here. I am currently busy with preparing for the internship and I am confident that the things I’ve learned here will help me in my future career."  Diana Ferencz din Cluj-Napoca, Studenta la Bachelor in International Hotel Management in cadrul Stenden University of Applied Sciences.

Universitatea este localizata exact in centrul lumii si este deschisa intregului glob. Aproape 10.000 de studenti provenind din 60 de tari studiaza la Universitatea Stenden. Scopul institutiei este sa pregateasca manageri internationali, capabili pentru un job intr-o lume multiculturala si pe o piata a muncii in continua schimbare.

Institutia ofera programe internationale de licenta si master insa, studentii pot opta si pentru cursuri specializate de "Management & Business Studies", "Primary Education" sau "Social Management".

Studentii pot studia un semestru in campusurile din Qatar, Bali, Africa de Sud si Thailanda. Universitatea asigura cazarea tuturor studentilor internationali.

Taxa de scolarizare este unica pentru toate universitatile publice olandeze si este impusa de catre guvernul olandez. Studentii originari din statele Uniunii Europene pot primi burse si ajutor financiar pentru studii. Ministerul Educatiei din Olanda  ofera acestora posibilitatea unui imprumut  pentru taxa de scolarizare iar restituirea se face dupa 2 ani de la absolvire, pe o perioada intre 15 si 20 de ani. In plus, statul olandez incurajeaza studentii sa se angajeze din timpul facultatii oferind astfel posibilitatea  obtinerii unei burse  (Bursa de 32 de ore care poate ajunge pana la 500 EUR / lunar) daca dovedesc ca lucreaza legal, in regim part-time. Aceasta bursa nu trebuie restituita in conditiile in care absolventii isi finalizeaza studiile prin sustinerea lucrarii de licenta in cel mult 6 ani de la terminarea facultatii.

Procedura de aplicare

Pentru mai multe informatii despre procedura de aplicare la programele oferite de Stenden University of Applied Sciences,  va rugam sa trimiteti un email la info@iec.ro. In urma solicitarii, veti fi preluat de un consilier IEC care va va oferi tot sprijinul necesar in realizarea dosarului si trimiterea aplicatiei la universitate. 

Mai multe informatii (in limba engleza) despre universitate gasiti aici.

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