Unde doresti sa studiezi:

Oricare din tarile participante

  • Toate tarile
  • Australiaaustralia
  • Austriaaustria
  • Belgiabelgia
  • Canadacanada
  • Danemarcadanemarca
  • Elvetiaelvetia
  • Estoniaestonia
  • Finlandafinlanda
  • Frantafranta
  • Germaniagermania
  • Greciagrecia
  • Irlandairlanda
  • Italiaitalia
  • Japoniajaponia
  • Maltamalta
  • Marea Britaniemarea_britanie
  • Norvegianorvegia
  • Noua Zeelandanoua_zeelanda
  • Olandaolanda
  • Romaniaromania
  • Singaporesingapore
  • Spaniaspania
  • Statele Unitestatele_unite
  • Suediasuedia
  • Ungariaungaria
Ce tip de program doresti:

Orice program

  • Toate programele
  • Academic Courseacademic_course
  • APap
  • Bachelorbachelor
  • Bachelor Top Upbachelor_top_up
  • Mastermaster
  • PhDphd
Costul scolarizarii:

Orice cost

  • Toate costurile
  • sub 2000 euro2000
  • intre 2.000 si 5.000 euro5000
  • intre 5.000 - 10.000 euro10000
  • intre 10.000 - 15.000 euro15000
  • intre 15.000 - 20.000 euro20000
  • intre 20.000 - 25.000 euro25000
  • peste 25.000 euroover

Toate domeniile

  • Toate domeniile
  • Arts / Media Studiesarts___media_studies
  • Business / Economicsbusiness___economics
  • Engineeringengineering
  • Health Scienceshealth_sciences
  • Humanities / Social Scienceshumanities___social_sciences
  • Information Technologyinformation_technology
  • Natural Sciencesnatural_sciences
  • Tourismtourism

Toate specializarile

  • Toate specializarile
  • AccountingAccounting
  • AgricultureAgriculture
  • Animal SciencesAnimal Sciences
  • AnthropologyAnthropology
  • ArchitectureArchitecture
  • Automation I ControlAutomation I Control
  • AutomotiveAutomotive
  • BiologyBiology
  • BiomedicineBiomedicine
  • Business AdministrationBusiness Administration
  • Business ManagementBusiness Management
  • ChemistryChemistry
  • CommerceCommerce
  • Communication I PRCommunication I PR
  • Computer ScienceComputer Science
  • Construction I CivilConstruction I Civil
  • Criminology I ForensicCriminology I Forensic
  • CulinaryCulinary
  • CultureCulture
  • Data ManagementData Management
  • DentistryDentistry
  • DesignDesign
  • Development StudiesDevelopment Studies
  • EconomicsEconomics
  • Education StudiesEducation Studies
  • Electric I ElectronicsElectric I Electronics
  • Energy EngineeringEnergy Engineering
  • EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship
  • EnvironmentEnvironment
  • Events ManagementEvents Management
  • FashionFashion
  • Film I TheatreFilm I Theatre
  • FinanceFinance
  • GeographyGeography
  • HistoryHistory
  • Hotel ManagementHotel Management
  • Human ResourcesHuman Resources
  • Intercultural StudiesIntercultural Studies
  • InterdisciplinaryInterdisciplinary
  • International BusinessInternational Business
  • International StudiesInternational Studies
  • JournalismJournalism
  • LanguageLanguage
  • LawLaw
  • Leadership I StrategyLeadership I Strategy
  • Leisure ManagementLeisure Management
  • LiteratureLiterature
  • Logistics I TransportLogistics I Transport
  • ManagementManagement
  • MarketingMarketing
  • MathematicsMathematics
  • MechanicsMechanics
  • Media StudiesMedia Studies
  • MedialogyMedialogy
  • MedicineMedicine
  • Multimedia DesignMultimedia Design
  • MusicMusic
  • NursingNursing
  • NutritionNutrition
  • Other MedicineOther Medicine
  • PharmacyPharmacy
  • PhilosophyPhilosophy
  • PhysicsPhysics
  • PoliticsPolitics
  • PsychologyPsychology
  • Public AdministrationPublic Administration
  • Public HealthPublic Health
  • Religious StudiesReligious Studies
  • Social CareSocial Care
  • SociologySociology
  • Software EngineeringSoftware Engineering
  • SportsSports
  • TechnologyTechnology
  • TourismTourism
  • VeterinaryVeterinary
  • Visual ArtsVisual Arts
  • Web developmentWeb development

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary University of Iasi

Bachelor in Technology of Processing Agricultural Products

Prezentarea programului

The programme is offered by the Faculty of Agriculture.

Period of study: 4 years.

Students who want to apply to this programme should send to info@iec.ro, the following scanned documents:

  • Application form (contact us for the latest version)
  • Baccalaureate Diploma or equivalent - certified copy
  • Academic records translated into Romanian, English or French
  • Romanian language certificate
  • Birth certificate - certified copy
  • Marriage certificate (if the applicant's last name changed subsequent to marriage) - certified copy
  • Passport-certified copy
  • Medical certificate
  • Four passport-size photos

For more details and information please send your request to info@iec.ro or check the latest news on www.iec.ro.

Tuition: 3,200.00