Unde doresti sa studiezi:

Oricare din tarile participante

  • Toate tarile
  • Australiaaustralia
  • Austriaaustria
  • Belgiabelgia
  • Canadacanada
  • Danemarcadanemarca
  • Elvetiaelvetia
  • Estoniaestonia
  • Finlandafinlanda
  • Frantafranta
  • Germaniagermania
  • Greciagrecia
  • Irlandairlanda
  • Italiaitalia
  • Japoniajaponia
  • Maltamalta
  • Marea Britaniemarea_britanie
  • Norvegianorvegia
  • Noua Zeelandanoua_zeelanda
  • Olandaolanda
  • Romaniaromania
  • Singaporesingapore
  • Spaniaspania
  • Statele Unitestatele_unite
  • Suediasuedia
  • Ungariaungaria
Ce tip de program doresti:

Orice program

  • Toate programele
  • Academic Courseacademic_course
  • APap
  • Bachelorbachelor
  • Bachelor Top Upbachelor_top_up
  • Mastermaster
  • PhDphd
Costul scolarizarii:

Orice cost

  • Toate costurile
  • sub 2000 euro2000
  • intre 2.000 si 5.000 euro5000
  • intre 5.000 - 10.000 euro10000
  • intre 10.000 - 15.000 euro15000
  • intre 15.000 - 20.000 euro20000
  • intre 20.000 - 25.000 euro25000
  • peste 25.000 euroover

Toate domeniile

  • Toate domeniile
  • Arts / Media Studiesarts___media_studies
  • Business / Economicsbusiness___economics
  • Engineeringengineering
  • Health Scienceshealth_sciences
  • Humanities / Social Scienceshumanities___social_sciences
  • Information Technologyinformation_technology
  • Natural Sciencesnatural_sciences
  • Tourismtourism

Toate specializarile

  • Toate specializarile
  • AccountingAccounting
  • AgricultureAgriculture
  • Animal SciencesAnimal Sciences
  • AnthropologyAnthropology
  • ArchitectureArchitecture
  • Automation I ControlAutomation I Control
  • AutomotiveAutomotive
  • BiologyBiology
  • BiomedicineBiomedicine
  • Business AdministrationBusiness Administration
  • Business ManagementBusiness Management
  • ChemistryChemistry
  • CommerceCommerce
  • Communication I PRCommunication I PR
  • Computer ScienceComputer Science
  • Construction I CivilConstruction I Civil
  • Criminology I ForensicCriminology I Forensic
  • CulinaryCulinary
  • CultureCulture
  • Data ManagementData Management
  • DentistryDentistry
  • DesignDesign
  • Development StudiesDevelopment Studies
  • EconomicsEconomics
  • Education StudiesEducation Studies
  • Electric I ElectronicsElectric I Electronics
  • Energy EngineeringEnergy Engineering
  • EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship
  • EnvironmentEnvironment
  • Events ManagementEvents Management
  • FashionFashion
  • Film I TheatreFilm I Theatre
  • FinanceFinance
  • GeographyGeography
  • HistoryHistory
  • Hotel ManagementHotel Management
  • Human ResourcesHuman Resources
  • Intercultural StudiesIntercultural Studies
  • InterdisciplinaryInterdisciplinary
  • International BusinessInternational Business
  • International StudiesInternational Studies
  • JournalismJournalism
  • LanguageLanguage
  • LawLaw
  • Leadership I StrategyLeadership I Strategy
  • Leisure ManagementLeisure Management
  • LiteratureLiterature
  • Logistics I TransportLogistics I Transport
  • ManagementManagement
  • MarketingMarketing
  • MathematicsMathematics
  • MechanicsMechanics
  • Media StudiesMedia Studies
  • MedialogyMedialogy
  • MedicineMedicine
  • Multimedia DesignMultimedia Design
  • MusicMusic
  • NursingNursing
  • NutritionNutrition
  • Other MedicineOther Medicine
  • PharmacyPharmacy
  • PhilosophyPhilosophy
  • PhysicsPhysics
  • PoliticsPolitics
  • PsychologyPsychology
  • Public AdministrationPublic Administration
  • Public HealthPublic Health
  • Religious StudiesReligious Studies
  • Social CareSocial Care
  • SociologySociology
  • Software EngineeringSoftware Engineering
  • SportsSports
  • TechnologyTechnology
  • TourismTourism
  • VeterinaryVeterinary
  • Visual ArtsVisual Arts
  • Web developmentWeb development

Aalborg University - Campus Aalborg

Master in Sustainable Energy Planning and Management

Prezentarea programului

Programul de Master in Sustainable Energy Planning and Management incepe in Septembrie la Aalborg University - Aalborg.

Structura academica a programului este urmatoarea:

1st Semester: Projects, technologies, and corporations/companies

The first semester focuses on specific projects and energy technologies from a business-economic point of view. You will be introduced to theories, methods, and tools for evaluating energy projects in various corporate contexts.

2nd Semester: Systems, institutions, and society

The second semester focuses on entire energy systems, including institutional and societal perspectives. You will be introduced to theories, methods, and tools for evaluating energy systems and energy policies.

3rd Semester: Internship or study abroad

During the 3rd semester, you do a three-month internship abroad or in Denmark. You are given a chance to apply your theoretical insights to a practical situation, in which you obtain not only practical experiences but also make contacts that may prove fruitful to you later. Hosts include utilities, consultancies, governmental organisations, and many others in Denmark and abroad. The actual choice depends on your personal preferences and your ability to secure a position. An alternative option is to enrol at another (Danish or foreign) university in order to undertake a one-semester study there.

4th Semester: Master's Thesis preparation

On the final semester, the main focus is on the writing of the Master's Thesis. You work individually or in a small group with other students, and in co-operation with your supervisor. The Master's Thesis, being the highest level of work undertaken, should aim at synthesising theories and methods in order to design a potential solution to real life sustainable energy planning and management problems.

Mai multe detalii despre program gasiti aici.

Modalitatea de aplicare

Pentru a aplica la program, va rugam sa trimiteti un e-mail la info@iec.ro. In urma solicitarii, veti fi preluat de un consilier educational care va va oferi tot sprijinul necesar in realizarea dosarului si trimiterea aplicatiei la universitate.

Page updated 22 JAN 2015

Tuition: scolarizare gratuita