International Hotel Management Institute
"IMI changed my life! I am much more organized and I use my time now very efficiently. I have structure, I am focused and I learned how to start and finish projects well and in detail. Even my parents mentioned that I have changed a lot in the last 4 months. What is important at IMI is that teachers want you to learn, not to fail. This mindset really helped me a lot during my programme. I have learned more during the 6 months of the MBA programme than during my whole three year study of Economics. The students I study with are extremely diverse and we have 30 different nationalities at IMI. Furthermore, Lucerne is a great place to live. At first, I was surprised in the morning when people, that I did not know, said `good morning` at the bus stop. It is a very friendly city. It has a very good and easy going nightlife, beautiful architecture and a lot of different cultures. All together for me it was the right decision and I am looking forward to starting my future career." - Alexandru Ursache, romanian MBA student, 2011
Lucerne este printre cele mai populare destinatii turistice din lume, fiind desemnat drept cel mai frumos oras al Elvetiei in 2010. In plus, acesta se afla in centrul Europei, fiind un oras universitar. Datorita pozitiei pe malul lacului Lucerne, ofera oportunitati si facilitati in practicarea activitatilor artistice si sportive, precum surf, ski, plimbari montane, canoe, calarit, toate la o ora distanta de campusul IMI. Cum Lucerne se afla in partea germana a Elvetiei, studentii au ocazia sa isi imbunatateasca limba germana. Daca studiaza in aceasta parte a tarii, sporeste considerabil oportunitatea de a obtine un loc de stagiu intr-unul din cele 5000 de hoteluri din Elvetia. In domeniul ospitalitatii si al turismului, limba germana este foarte importanta datorita numarului mare de turisti si oameni de afaceri din aceasta tara.
Programe disponibile
- Bachelor in European Culinary Management
- Bachelor in Hospitality Entrepreneurship
- Bachelor in Internatioal Hotel and Events Management
- Bachelor in International Hotel and Tourism Management
- Bachelor in International Hotel Management
- Bachelor in International Tourism and Events Management
- Bachelor in International Tourism Management
- Bachelor in Restaurant Management
- Certificate in International Hotel and Tourism Management
- Diploma in International Hotel and Tourism Management
- Higher Diploma in European Culinary Management
- Higher Diploma in International Hotel and Events Management
- Higher Diploma in International Hotel and Tourism Management
- Higher Diploma in International Hotel Management
- Higher Diploma in Tourism and Events Management
- Higher Diploma in Tourism Management
- Master in International Hospitality Management
- Master in International Hotel, Health and Spa Management
- Master in Swiss Hotel Management
- Postgraduate Diploma in International Hotel and Events Managements